Falklands Yes, Malvinas No

Margaret Beckett has to be the worst Foreign Secretary this country has ever known. 25 years on from the Falklands conflict, all she had to do was say a few words about "how it was the right thing to do" and "how we should be proud that Britain defended it's land" etc etc. What do we get? A half hearted mumble about Britains continuing regret over the deaths on both sides.

A military dictatorship invaded British sovereign land and imprisoned the majority of British civilians. Britain and the UN asked the invaders to leave and then pushed for a withdrawal through political means. Several weeks later the occupying army was still there and as a last resort our Armed Forces went to war. In engaging in this legal war, we freed the civilians, restored order to the Islands and also brought democracy to Argentina.We then sailed home with heads held high safe in the knowledge that the job was done in a professional manner.So aside from the casulties on our side, what has Britain got to regret? Let the Argentians carry the blood on their hands and let them regret. They started it, and we finished it.As the great lady said "REJOICE REJOICE" not "Regret Regret"

Falklands Yes, Malvinas No

Margaret Beckett has to be the worst Foreign Secretary this country has ever known. 25 years on from the Falklands conflict, all she had to do was say a few words about "how it was the right thing to do" and "how we should be proud that Britain defended it's land" etc etc. What do we get? A half hearted mumble about Britains continuing regret over the deaths on both sides.

A military dictatorship invaded British sovereign land and imprisoned the majority of British civilians. Britain and the UN asked the invaders to leave and then pushed for a withdrawal through political means. Several weeks later the occupying army was still there and as a last resort our Armed Forces went to war. In engaging in this legal war, we freed the civilians, restored order to the Islands and also brought democracy to Argentina.We then sailed home with heads held high safe in the knowledge that the job was done in a professional manner.So aside from the casulties on our side, what has Britain got to regret? Let the Argentians carry the blood on their hands and let them regret. They started it, and we finished it.As the great lady said "REJOICE REJOICE" not "Regret Regret"