Tube Strike

The RMT and the odious Comrade Bob Crow have managed to do something that Hitler could not – bring London to a standstill.
How many times is this ineffectual Government going to stand back and let ordinary members of the public suffer? Thatcher didn’t. She spent 11 years fighting the Unions and was successful in curbing their power and influence. A decade of Labour has undone all her good work.
We can’t even rely on the Mayor. There is no way he would risk damaging his red credentials by saying anything logical or applying any common sense. Why go against the habit of a lifetime?

If the ‘Great’ was still in Great Britain then we would follow the example of Ronald Reagan on 1981 when he sacked the 11,500 striking air traffic controllers. Did they ever strike again and cause misery? No they did not.I’m sorry, but if £35000 a year, a 35 hour working week and 36 days holiday isn’t enough for you, then you deserve to fester in a bed-sit with only a candle for warmth and a black and white portable TV for company. I (and the majority of the public) sincerely hope that you all get fired from your cushy job. It’s time you all woke up and appreciated your position. You push a few buttons and make a piece of machinery move – you don’t even have to steer.

Bob Crow, you should be strung up from a lamppost by the neck.

Ken Livingstone, you should be tried for treason and strapped to the front of a Bendy Bus