heather mills

What a stomach churning, gold digging, one legged Brass. Sir Paul McCartney would have been better off going to the Stratford Sauna once a day for the last 4 years. By my calculations it would have only cost him 36 grand but i doubt the girls there are as experienced as Slapper Mills.

Her constant self pitying bleating grates into peoples heads like a black and decker through the temple. If only they built a muzzle for botox addicted Arab prostitues.

It wouldn't suprise me if she sprouted horns and a tail and decided to move back to Hell rather than the US. She was skiing in the Balkans when the Yugoslavian war broke out then, when she visited India the country immediately suffered a major earthquake. She was even in New York on 9/11 and back again when an airliner crashed in the suburb of Queens a month later. Wherever she goes, misery is sure to follow.

Do us all a favour and use some of her 'wages' on buying a piece of land in Antartica (hopefully on an ice shelf that breaks off). My only reservation would be my feelings for the poor penguins