Reap the whirlwind

Here's a scenario. You are in a pub on a friday night, the local village idiot, a little man who likes nothing more than to start a fight throws a punch at a much larger and tougher man sitting at the bar. The bigger man (who happens to be the village idiots neighbour) takes obvious objection to being hit and in self defence, proceeds to punch the village idiots lights out. The village idiot then proceeds to scream about being attacked unfairly.

Do you

A) agree with the known local, trouble making idiot that he has indeed had a raw deal, then call the Police to have the neighbour arrested
B) Stand back and let the bigger man teach the village idiot a lesson in the hope that it will knock some sense into him

Nod your head in agreement with B and then answer me why all the fuss over Israel teaching the terrorist state of Gaza a lesson.

The facts are that Hamas, a known Terrorist group have openly called for all Jews to be killed....errr anyone remember that German fellow...Adolf somebody?
It was also Hamas who ended the 6 month ceasefire by firing Rockets indiscriminately into Israel in the hope of killing as many civilians as possible. I therefore fail to see what is wrong with Israel protecting its borders and civilians? That is the duty of any Government.
Even Winnie the Pooh knew that if you poked around in a bee hive, you are going to get stung.

Civilian deaths are always a tragedy, but let us not forget that Hamas were democratically elected by the 'civilians' of Gaza. They decided that the moderate ruling party of Fatah should be replaced with known militants. Did the people of Gaza think that by electing Hamas to represent them, they would bring peace? I very much doubt it, that's why all of Gaza shares some collective responsibility for the current situation.

To quote Bomber Harris "They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind"