The Slave Trade

Red Ken apologises for London's part in the Slave Trade. Thanks Ken, that was praying on my mind. My past life as a plantation owner in Jamaica has caused me many a sleepless night.People seem to forget that the Slave Trade has been in existence long before Britain even existed as a developed nation.
Practically every country has played a shameful part in this awful trade at some point in their history.The Romans enslaved half of the known world. Has Rome apologised? No.The Egyptians enslaved anyone they could get their hands on. Has Cairo apologised? No.The Moors enslaved thousands of Southern European Christians. Has Algiers and Rabat apologised? No.So why is it that once again, White Christian Britain is the root of all evil and history is convenientally airbrushed by the politically correct brigade?
No one should be held accountable for the sins of their fathers.

Red Ken apologises for London's part in the Slave Trade. Thanks Ken, that was praying on my mind. My past life as a plantation owner in Jamaica has caused me many a sleepless night.People seem to forget that the Slave Trade has been in existence long before Britain even existed as a developed nation.Practically every country has played a shameful part in this awful trade at some point in their history.The Romans enslaved half of the known world. Has Rome apologised? No.The Egyptians enslaved anyone they could get their hands on. Has Cairo apologised? No.The Moors enslaved thousands of Southern European Christians. Has Algiers and Rabat apologised? No.So why is it that once again, White Christian Britain is the root of all evil and history is convenientally airbrushed by the politically correct brigade?No one should be held accountable for the sins of their fathers.

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