
How can anyone with half a braincell not undestand how important it is to retain Britain's Nuclear deterrent?CND were a bunch of half baked do gooders without a grip on the reality and now Greenpeace have taken their mantle. If the West did not have Nuclear weapons, then millions more would have died during the invasion of Japan. We would also have had World War 3 by 1948 which would have caused even more deaths (civilian and military). It is a convenient memory loss that stops Greenpeace et all from stating this. The only reason the West and the Soviet Union did not go to war in the aftermath of WW2 was because both sides knew that each other possessed WMD.In an ideal world, there would be no need for a Nuclear deterrent. Wake up, this is not an ideal World and I for one am glad that for the last 6o years Britain have had this protective blanket.Long may it continue to keep us safe.

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