
Am I the only one questioning why Nelson Mandela is being honoured next to truly great men such as Winston Churchill and Abraham Lincoln? Churchill saved the world from Fascist tyranny, Lincoln united America and took his country to civil war to free the slave population and Mandela….errr.. Well, he was banged up in a cell for 27 years and then presided over one of the worst economic and social downfalls of a once prosperous Nation.
During Mandela’s presidency, he spent billions on arms whilst simultaneously denying that his country had an HIV epidemic and refusing to buy life preserving drugs for his people. Crime is now through the roof in SA, the economy is free falling and inflation is rapidly rising. In ten years time, SA will be the new Zimbabwe.
Mandela has also refused to criticise Mugabe. He could have easily have exerted his influence and reigned in Mugabe if he so wished – another failing of his Presidency.
This was also the man who accused the UK of being racist against Kofi Annan because we were prepared to stand up to another tyrannical dictator in Iraq without UN sanction.This is also the man who insulted the UK Prime minister, and I quote "He is the Foreign Minister of the United States, he is no longer Prime Minister of Great Britain".
So how does the UK reward such a great ‘friend’? By wheeling out Red Ken and Gordon the Moron to unveil a statue in our Capital who then gush and fawn like a couple of 14 year olds at a Take That concert.There is only one great Nelson in Trafalgar Square and he sits on top of a column

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