Princess Di

I wonder how many losers will turn up at Kensington Palace today to mark the 10 year anniversary of the death of the self obsessed, shameless self publicist Queen of Tarts?
Any death is a tragedy but I can think of a million other people who deserve our sympathy rather than Diana Spencer.It pains me that the British public have become some gullible and stupid as to be taken in by her manipulation. Anyone with an IQ over 25 could see that all her charity work was for her own benefit and to ensure she continued to receive the publicity that her ego craved.
How about the time when she made a mercy dash to the local hospital at 2am just to cuddle a few sick kids? Such a kind and considerate women, always thinking of others. Hang on – who’s that at the entrance to the Hospital ? It’s The Sun photographer waiting to snap her mercy visit. How did he know? I suspect that the conversation went something like this.
"Hello, Sun Newspaper"
"Hi, this is the Queen of Hearts, I’m going to cuddle a few kids so please send your photographer and take a picture of my good side – I’ll be there in 2 hours once my servants have finished doing my hair and make up"
She always had one eye on the ‘victim’ and the other on the camera lens. If a camera wasn’t there then she didn’t give a toss about anyone but herself.

This is the woman who did more to bring down the Royal Family than Oliver Cromwell, so why the outpouring of grief over someone who would have probably been charged with treason only a hundred years ago?

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