Police Marksman

Some headcase with a shot gun starts blasting away at passers by, the police get called and do their job. They kill the gunman without anyone else being injured.
Instead of praising them for doing a professional job, the officers involved are immediately suspended and investigated. They then face questions from the Media when it is discovered that Mark Saunders was shot 5 times. I couldn't care less if he was shot 5 times, once or was killed by a papercut. When armed Police storm a building they fire as many times as possible until the target is no longer a threat. It's not practical to fire one bullet and wait to see if it hits, similary it is not possible to shoot to injure or disarm. The only people who believe that these are feasible options are safely secure in their North London town houses hiding behind their deadbolts and The Guardian.
We entrust the Police Force (or Service as it now known due to rebranding by the pc brigade) to do a difficult job protecting us and in return we should show our gratitude.As tragic as any death is, I am grateful that the Police did not hesitate and killed him in a hail of bullets. Mark Saunders was dead the minute he picked up a bottle of Jamesons and a Shotgun.

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