Eurovision Song Contest

The Eurovision song contest is the epitomy of how corrupt Europe is and how Britain always gets screwed over by it's inferior and morally devoid European second cousins . Not one vote is cast in earnest, all the Balkan states pass the points around themselves (just like their children), the Baltic and Scandanavian states do the same. Spain, Portugal and Andorra all divi up the top marks as do Greece and Cyprus - and while we are at it, what the f**k is the Ukraine, Russia and those other third world post Communist sh1tholes doing in Europe anyhow?

The prize for the most ungrateful country on earth goes to Malta. Give is back our George Cross you little blemish on the landscape. I hope Global Warming causes the sea levels to rise and wipes you off the map.

Britain should automatically receive top marks from every single country in Western Europe for saving them from the Nazi Jackboot. If it wasn't for us then the 2008 Third Reich Karoke contest would consist of a bunch of skinheads singing in German, wearing Lederhosen and swinging Bratwurst around their heads.

Britain's entry should be "God Save the Queen" each year and automatically default to top spot. It is the least that those pipsqueek surrender monkeys can do for us.God created the English Channel for a reason!

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