National Day

When will this country stop fannying around and create a National Day. Great Britain is steeped in history and culture, more so than any other nation so why are we made to feel that being a British Patriot means you are a racist?Every other country has a national day so why can’t we? The French have Bastille day to symbolise the birth of modern France. What a thing to celebrate!! I am surprised that there are not mass suicides as personally, I’d rather be swinging from a lamp post by the neck than be a cheese eating surrender monkey.
In America they have Independence day. I might add that they only have this day because of the cowardly garlic munching Frogs, they had to stick the grape covered feet into our business. Their jealously is so pathetic that it brings a wry smile to my face. Admit it – you wanted to be English but God wouldn't allow it and hence created the English Channel.
If Gordon the Moron had some balls he would announce a Great Britain day and be done with it. Unfortunately we are saddled with a leader with the personality of a chimp and the power of flat car battery. The sad truth is that we will be nowhere near a National day until the silent masses if this country start to sing with one voice.In fact, all countries should be forced to abolish their national days and we should have a World day. Every country is forced to acknowledge what Britain has done for the World and give praise and thanks. At mid day Greenwich Mean time, all 6.6bn people have to get on their knees and honour a minutes silence.

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