
At a time when Britain (under Gordon the Morons stewardship) is becoming a paper tiger on the World stage, it is good to see that there are still Britons out there who have the Bulldog spirit. The Olympics, although not over, has already proven that no one thing can stand in the way of British determination.We still win Gold in swimming, sailing and rowing despite Australia having 22000 mile of coastline.We dominate the cycling, despite massive under-funding and lack of facilities.
We even pick up a medal in the gymnastics despite China entering Gary Glitters poster girls.

Aside from Paula Radcliffe, our athletes are putting the Great back in Great Britain. Why does she feel the need to revert to fits of hysteria just because she doesn’t win? Get over it woman and grow up, not everybody wins all of the time but it is how you deal with defeat that makes the person. Do you think Montgomery or Wellington used to cry when they lost a battle? No, they picked themselves up, kept a stiff upper lip and then went on to win the War.She’ll probably enter the 2012 Para Olympics under 'mentally challenged'.

Let’s get behind the team and keep the flag flying. It is good to see the Union flag flying once again over China. I don’t give a damn about Tibet, but give us Hong Kong back.

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