Tube Strike

The RMT and the odious Comrade Bob Crow have managed to do something that Hitler could not – bring London to a standstill.
How many times is this ineffectual Government going to stand back and let ordinary members of the public suffer? Thatcher didn’t. She spent 11 years fighting the Unions and was successful in curbing their power and influence. A decade of Labour has undone all her good work.
We can’t even rely on the Mayor. There is no way he would risk damaging his red credentials by saying anything logical or applying any common sense. Why go against the habit of a lifetime?

If the ‘Great’ was still in Great Britain then we would follow the example of Ronald Reagan on 1981 when he sacked the 11,500 striking air traffic controllers. Did they ever strike again and cause misery? No they did not.I’m sorry, but if £35000 a year, a 35 hour working week and 36 days holiday isn’t enough for you, then you deserve to fester in a bed-sit with only a candle for warmth and a black and white portable TV for company. I (and the majority of the public) sincerely hope that you all get fired from your cushy job. It’s time you all woke up and appreciated your position. You push a few buttons and make a piece of machinery move – you don’t even have to steer.

Bob Crow, you should be strung up from a lamppost by the neck.

Ken Livingstone, you should be tried for treason and strapped to the front of a Bendy Bus

Princess Di

I wonder how many losers will turn up at Kensington Palace today to mark the 10 year anniversary of the death of the self obsessed, shameless self publicist Queen of Tarts?
Any death is a tragedy but I can think of a million other people who deserve our sympathy rather than Diana Spencer.It pains me that the British public have become some gullible and stupid as to be taken in by her manipulation. Anyone with an IQ over 25 could see that all her charity work was for her own benefit and to ensure she continued to receive the publicity that her ego craved.
How about the time when she made a mercy dash to the local hospital at 2am just to cuddle a few sick kids? Such a kind and considerate women, always thinking of others. Hang on – who’s that at the entrance to the Hospital ? It’s The Sun photographer waiting to snap her mercy visit. How did he know? I suspect that the conversation went something like this.
"Hello, Sun Newspaper"
"Hi, this is the Queen of Hearts, I’m going to cuddle a few kids so please send your photographer and take a picture of my good side – I’ll be there in 2 hours once my servants have finished doing my hair and make up"
She always had one eye on the ‘victim’ and the other on the camera lens. If a camera wasn’t there then she didn’t give a toss about anyone but herself.

This is the woman who did more to bring down the Royal Family than Oliver Cromwell, so why the outpouring of grief over someone who would have probably been charged with treason only a hundred years ago?


Am I the only one questioning why Nelson Mandela is being honoured next to truly great men such as Winston Churchill and Abraham Lincoln? Churchill saved the world from Fascist tyranny, Lincoln united America and took his country to civil war to free the slave population and Mandela….errr.. Well, he was banged up in a cell for 27 years and then presided over one of the worst economic and social downfalls of a once prosperous Nation.
During Mandela’s presidency, he spent billions on arms whilst simultaneously denying that his country had an HIV epidemic and refusing to buy life preserving drugs for his people. Crime is now through the roof in SA, the economy is free falling and inflation is rapidly rising. In ten years time, SA will be the new Zimbabwe.
Mandela has also refused to criticise Mugabe. He could have easily have exerted his influence and reigned in Mugabe if he so wished – another failing of his Presidency.
This was also the man who accused the UK of being racist against Kofi Annan because we were prepared to stand up to another tyrannical dictator in Iraq without UN sanction.This is also the man who insulted the UK Prime minister, and I quote "He is the Foreign Minister of the United States, he is no longer Prime Minister of Great Britain".
So how does the UK reward such a great ‘friend’? By wheeling out Red Ken and Gordon the Moron to unveil a statue in our Capital who then gush and fawn like a couple of 14 year olds at a Take That concert.There is only one great Nelson in Trafalgar Square and he sits on top of a column

Falklands Yes, Malvinas No

Margaret Beckett has to be the worst Foreign Secretary this country has ever known. 25 years on from the Falklands conflict, all she had to do was say a few words about "how it was the right thing to do" and "how we should be proud that Britain defended it's land" etc etc. What do we get? A half hearted mumble about Britains continuing regret over the deaths on both sides.

A military dictatorship invaded British sovereign land and imprisoned the majority of British civilians. Britain and the UN asked the invaders to leave and then pushed for a withdrawal through political means. Several weeks later the occupying army was still there and as a last resort our Armed Forces went to war. In engaging in this legal war, we freed the civilians, restored order to the Islands and also brought democracy to Argentina.We then sailed home with heads held high safe in the knowledge that the job was done in a professional manner.So aside from the casulties on our side, what has Britain got to regret? Let the Argentians carry the blood on their hands and let them regret. They started it, and we finished it.As the great lady said "REJOICE REJOICE" not "Regret Regret"

Falklands Yes, Malvinas No

Margaret Beckett has to be the worst Foreign Secretary this country has ever known. 25 years on from the Falklands conflict, all she had to do was say a few words about "how it was the right thing to do" and "how we should be proud that Britain defended it's land" etc etc. What do we get? A half hearted mumble about Britains continuing regret over the deaths on both sides.

A military dictatorship invaded British sovereign land and imprisoned the majority of British civilians. Britain and the UN asked the invaders to leave and then pushed for a withdrawal through political means. Several weeks later the occupying army was still there and as a last resort our Armed Forces went to war. In engaging in this legal war, we freed the civilians, restored order to the Islands and also brought democracy to Argentina.We then sailed home with heads held high safe in the knowledge that the job was done in a professional manner.So aside from the casulties on our side, what has Britain got to regret? Let the Argentians carry the blood on their hands and let them regret. They started it, and we finished it.As the great lady said "REJOICE REJOICE" not "Regret Regret"

Iran Part II

A terrorist state kidnaps 15 Military personnel and we do nothing but use a few harsh words. The lack of action shows how spineless this country has become.Almost 25 years ago to the very day another 'Sabre rattling' nation, Argentina took something from Great Britain that didn't belong to them, The Falkland Islands. Did we stand back and shrug our shoulders? No, we got a task force together, sailed 8000 miles and took back what is ours. Not to mention giving the Argentines and bloody good hiding in the process. Not only did we restore the Falklands to it's righful British sovereignty, but we also put the Great back in Great Britain AND brought down the ruling military dictatorship in Argentina, thus restoring democracy to our former enemy.
We can not and should not tippy toe around aggressive Nations. Let's call this kidnapping for what it is - An Act of War. The Royal Navy should be sailing up and down the Iranian coastline and our warplanes should be agressively flying over Tehran.
It is hard to imagine another leader of this once great nation who would wait 3 days to make a pathetic verbal comment on the situation. But then that's the price we pay for voting in Tony Blair for the last decade - a systematic decay of everything that was once good about this Nation. New Labour has brought Britain to it's knees like an old boxer unable to go that 'final' round.
It's too much to ask that our present leader should have the backbone of the Iron Lady. He is not fit to hold her handbag.


How can anyone with half a braincell not undestand how important it is to retain Britain's Nuclear deterrent?CND were a bunch of half baked do gooders without a grip on the reality and now Greenpeace have taken their mantle. If the West did not have Nuclear weapons, then millions more would have died during the invasion of Japan. We would also have had World War 3 by 1948 which would have caused even more deaths (civilian and military). It is a convenient memory loss that stops Greenpeace et all from stating this. The only reason the West and the Soviet Union did not go to war in the aftermath of WW2 was because both sides knew that each other possessed WMD.In an ideal world, there would be no need for a Nuclear deterrent. Wake up, this is not an ideal World and I for one am glad that for the last 6o years Britain have had this protective blanket.Long may it continue to keep us safe.

The Slave Trade

Red Ken apologises for London's part in the Slave Trade. Thanks Ken, that was praying on my mind. My past life as a plantation owner in Jamaica has caused me many a sleepless night.People seem to forget that the Slave Trade has been in existence long before Britain even existed as a developed nation.
Practically every country has played a shameful part in this awful trade at some point in their history.The Romans enslaved half of the known world. Has Rome apologised? No.The Egyptians enslaved anyone they could get their hands on. Has Cairo apologised? No.The Moors enslaved thousands of Southern European Christians. Has Algiers and Rabat apologised? No.So why is it that once again, White Christian Britain is the root of all evil and history is convenientally airbrushed by the politically correct brigade?
No one should be held accountable for the sins of their fathers.

Red Ken apologises for London's part in the Slave Trade. Thanks Ken, that was praying on my mind. My past life as a plantation owner in Jamaica has caused me many a sleepless night.People seem to forget that the Slave Trade has been in existence long before Britain even existed as a developed nation.Practically every country has played a shameful part in this awful trade at some point in their history.The Romans enslaved half of the known world. Has Rome apologised? No.The Egyptians enslaved anyone they could get their hands on. Has Cairo apologised? No.The Moors enslaved thousands of Southern European Christians. Has Algiers and Rabat apologised? No.So why is it that once again, White Christian Britain is the root of all evil and history is convenientally airbrushed by the politically correct brigade?No one should be held accountable for the sins of their fathers.

Veils in Schools

At last someone has taken the correct stance and ruled that veils can be banned by schools. For too long the radical elements of the Islamic community have caused trouble by hiding behind Human Rights laws. For too long the Islamonazis have pushed and pushed and then played the race card as soon as they are asked to compromise. Hopefully now the pendulum will begin to swing back towards common sense.
Schools are a place of learning not a place of Religious divide.

Tuesday, 20 March 2007


It's about time we stopped pussy footing around Iran and take some action. They have been an obstacle to peace in the region for the last 30 years.Appeasement doesn't work. We learnt that in 1938 when Hitler pulled the wool over the foolish Neville Chamberlain's eyes. The price we paid for this - 50 million dead.Iran has been responsible for numerous attacks on the West in recent years (anyone remeber WPC Yvonne Fletcher?) and must not be allowed to get their hands on Nuclear weapons. The results do not bear thinking about.The language of the Iranian regime is violence, it's time we spoke to them in crystal clear language and rolled the Tanks across the border.

Carbon Footprint

Climate change is the biggest myth going. For every report stating greenhouse emissions are causing Global Warming, there is one to contradict it. It's just the latest fad thought up by the left wing / green lobby to make us all go back to the dark ages and follow an alternate lifestyle.You may be happy to holiday in a tent in North Wales, ride a Penny Farthing and eat a bowl of wholegrain rice for Dinner, but not me. I like to leave my 'Carbon footprint' by flying to Dubai, driving in a 'Gas guzzling' 4x4 and eating cows that have been pumped full of steroids to enhance growth.